Reflection #5: Strategies for Teachers to Maximize Student Learning Time

Name of the article, class, or workshop: 
Strategies for Teachers to Maximize Student Learning Time 

1 June 2016

What I learned from the article, class or workshop (summary):

This article suggests a number of ways to maximize student learning time. They are the following.

  • Teachers should plan their lesson well. Preparation also involves getting all the teaching materials ready before students arrive. 

  • Teachers should avoid or minimize distractions in class. Writing a journal for a period of two weeks can help teachers identify the cause of distractions. The next step will be to figure out how to eliminate those distractions.

  • Avoid giving "free time".

  • Teachers must ensure smooth transitions. Students must be taught to bring the correct materials to class, use bathroom or get a drink, and be in their seats when the next period starts. 

  • Teachers should also give clear and concise instructions. If students do not understand exactly what to do can waste valuable learning time.

  • Teachers should have a backup plan when what has been planned did not go well. This ensures that no learning time will be lost.

  • Teachers must keep control of the classroom environment. Teachers must develop and maintain effective classroom management skills. Teachers lose valuable teaching time in dealing with students with behavior problems due to poor classroom management.

  • Teachers must make their students master routines and procedures on the first few days of school. Students' mastery of the routine can save valuable instructional time.

  • Teachers should stay focused on topic or task. Avoid being shifted away by stories that are not directly related to the topic. Teaching-learning time can be wasted on things that are not very important.

How will I integrate my learning into my instruction (plan):

Many of us are guilty of wasting valuable teaching-learning time in the classroom. Most of which, we do not intend to happen. 

From this day on, I will apply most, if not all, of the suggestions above. Specifically, I will do the following.

  • I will make sure that my lessons plans and materials are ready in the morning.

  • I will have a record of everything that cause distractions and interruptions in my class and find ways to avoid or minimize them.

  • I will keep having visual timetable in the classroom to make sure that students know what to expect during the day.

  • I will follow Ms Miguil's suggestion to play music and for smooth transition.

  • I will make sure that my students understand my instructions before I allow them to begin the work. The choice of words must fit their grade level and language level.

  • I should have backup activities and plans in place to make sure that we do not waste time.

  • I recognize my weakness and strength in my classroom management. I should be in control of the classroom environment at all times. I will read more literature and attend more workshops on improving classroom management.

  • The first two weeks of school is a very good opportunity to establish routine and procedures. I will make sure that I plan the activities in the first two weeks very carefully to achieve the objective.

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